Work-life balance

There is a growing tendency for work to encroach on people’s free time. That's why it’s all the more important to ensure a balance that allows employees to recuperate. Exercise and a healthy diet help sustain both physical and mental health. And a bit of serenity helps keep things in perspective.

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Tips for your business

  • Talk about stress

    If employees show signs of stress or being overburdened (poor concentration, irritability, headache, problems sleeping and the like), make sure you address it with them. Work together to determine the causes and try to come up with some suitable measures together. Offer support with things like scheduling work, setting priorities or formulating daily or weekly objectives.
  • Enjoy exercise together

    Encourage your employees to start their own jogging group that enjoys regular exercise at lunchtime. Or organise group walks through the woods. Employees who take regular exercise are healthier and perform better.
  • Choose set time slots for breaks

    It might seem old-fashioned, but it helps: choose set times for breaks and encourage employees to observe them. This helps people relax and encourages communication within the team.
  • Check out other working (hours) models

    It's common for more than one working model to be adopted at a business: part-time, annual working time, job sharing or working from home are just a few options. Take due note of customer and employee requirements, business needs and statutory framework conditions. Use this as the basis for reviewing what models might be feasible.
  • Accidents outside work impact the business as well

    Talk to your team about how to prevent accidents outside work. A lot of offers are available in this area. Any accident outside work has consequences for those affected and your business will suffer too.
  • Set priorities

    You yourself should mainly take care of important tasks that no one else can take on. Deal with the more urgent of these immediately and schedule those that are less urgent. You will then have a better insight into whether you still have sufficient resources yourself for them. Delegate urgent but less important tasks to employees. Every now and again, you can even simply leave tasks that are neither important nor urgent to one side.

Do your employees have a balance to their work?

To the self test