Website information

This website was created by the sponsors of the Leadership Lab campaign. The Federal Coordination Commission for Occupational Safety FCOS, as a representative of the sponsors, is responsible for operating the website and processing your data.

Federal Coordination Commission for Occupational Safety FCOS


Alpenquai 28b

6005 Lucerne

Tel +41 41 419 59 59

Contact form

Strategy and implementation of the campaign, project management and development of the website (concept, UX, webdesign, content, frontend engineering and implementation with Craft CMS) were carried out by KOMMPAKT AG Kommunikation and Zeix AG.

Legal notice

The information published is carefully selected. However, we cannot guarantee that this information is up to date, accurate, correct, complete or reliable. We may change or delete content completely or in part at any time.

Photographs, text and other published content may be protected by copyright.