
Your leadership style has a considerable impact on the well-being of your employees. Share experiences with other managers and develop your skills. Whether in relation to general management issues, staff management, occupational health management or case management.

Suitable offers


Tips for your business

  • Management means being able to manage yourself

    Good management starts with self-critical reflection. This provides a platform to build on by developing your own management skills and learning new techniques. The best way to do this is to share experiences with other managers or undertake targeted development.
  • Discussions make it possible to find solutions

    We're often hesitant about speaking to someone at work about the demands placed upon us through, say, an excessive workload. This reticence helps no one and the problem often gets worse. The quicker you react and try to talk about things, the more likely you are to find ideal solutions. Prepare carefully for any discussion and schedule enough time for it.
  • Highlight health and safety

    As an employer, you are obliged to think about your employees’ health and safety. The ‘Offers’ section of this website has some proven tools and approaches from respected sources.
  • Make room for learning

    Nothing motivates people more than learning new skills and developing themselves further. Most learning takes place ‘on the job’ and thus encourages employees to share experiences – either through a mentoring programme or by making the sharing of experiences a regular agenda item during weekly meetings.
  • Do good and talk about it

    People feel motivated, satisfied and healthy if their work serves a purpose. Talk to your employees about what your business contributes to the lives of people in the outside world.

Do you like to lead — and do you lead well?

To the self test