Team and work culture

Poor morale within the team leads to stress and weakens commitment. See to it that your employees like coming to work. This will prevent absenteeism. When absences do occur, however, a good team will be better able to cope.

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Tips for your business

  • Willingness to help can be learned

    Ask your employees where they need support, particularly when things aren't going well. Give two or three people the responsibility for dealing with difficult tasks. Praise team members who give others a helping hand.
  • Step in early

    As a manager, step in as early as possible in the event of any bullying or harassment and try to clarify the situation. Ignoring things can have devastating long-term consequences for everyone concerned. Try to speak to those concerned or get someone from outside involved if need be.
  • Get support from outside

    Sometimes support from outside is needed if no further progress can be made with a conflict. Coaches or mediators can often help find workable solutions quite quickly.
  • Discuss difficult situations involving contact with customers

    Discuss difficult situations with your callaborators to relieve some of the stress. Gather details of individual cases and possible solutions within the team so that everyone can benefit next time.
  • Make sure everyone values each other

    Actively promote a good environment at your business. Set a good example by showing your employees you value them and their work. Be prepared to learn from your employees – this will motivate everyone concerned. And make it clear that unfair behaviour toward colleagues will not be accepted at your business.
  • You are a role model

    Dependability, willingness to help, mutual respect and a bit of humour within the team: as a manager, you are a high-profile role model and ‘set the tone’. Think about your own behaviour and try to lead by example.

How is the cooperation in your team?

To the self test