
Listen to your employees and give them regular feedback. This promotes trust and therefore improves the atmosphere at work. This way, your team can cope better with stress and pressure.

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Tips for your business

  • Capitalise on failures

    Good error management helps us learn from failures and improve. Many companies hold so-called ‘fuck-up nights’: three or four employees talk about failed ideas or projects and the lessons they have drawn from them.
  • Change means getting employees involved

    If changes are on the horizon, think about who is affected and who needs to get involved in the process of change. Let your employees know how you will be asking them to get involved: is it a case of informing them, inviting them to cooperate or involving them in decisions?
  • Introduce a buddy system

    A buddy system can help with the onboarding of new employees. Buddies can be a point of contact for general questions, provide support as mentors and help during the important initial phase. As a result, new employees feel happier and become productive more quickly.
  • Talk about how the business is doing

    Choose set dates in the financial year to inform employees about how the business is doing: what goals have we achieved? Where are we at? How are things going? What problems have cropped up? What are we doing about them? This should happen several times a year at regular intervals.
  • Schedule discussions with employees

    When it comes to one-to-one discussions with employees, it is a case of investing enough time. So, don’t leave things to chance, but schedule appointments in good time and stick to them. It's up to you how formal or informal these discussions should be – the important thing is to hold them on a regular basis and prepare well for them.

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